Breast Augmentation

In Fort Lauderdale


Breast Augmentation

As one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world, Breast Augmentation allows many women the opportunity to achieve the breast size that they have always wanted. Whether it’s because of decreased breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy, genetics, or general dissatisfaction, the size of a woman’s breast can affect their self-esteem and confidence. Plastic surgeons Dr. Savannah Moon & Dr. Stephanie Scurci of Himmarshee Plastic Surgery offer Breast Augmentation in Fort Lauderdale and Broward County, FL as a wonderful way to alter the size and volume of our patients’ breasts with natural-looking results. To learn more about this procedure, please continue reading the information below.

woman breast procedure | Himmarshee Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation (a.k.a. augmentation mammoplasty) is an FDA-approved surgical procedure that helps women who are dissatisfied with the contour, size, or fullness of their breasts, or would like to improve breast asymmetry.

There are many important decisions to make when it comes to breast implant surgery that our Fort Lauderdale patients will need to consider. Dr. Savannah Moon and Dr. Stephanie Scurci will take the time to discuss the pros and cons of decisions such as implant type, implant position, and incision placement at your consultation. Most importantly, your surgeon will ensure that they have a thorough understanding of your aesthetic goals and that you are comfortable with the surgical plan. What are the different types of breast implants?

Breast implants have an exterior silicone implant shell, filled with either saline or a silicone gel, both having their strengths and weaknesses.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone gel breast implants are usually softer to the touch and tend to have a more natural feel when compared to saline implants. The newer silicone gel filler is semi-solid, increasing the likelihood that the gel remains within the shell after a rupture. Most patients believe these implants to feel the most similar to natural breast tissue.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline-filled implants are filled with a sterile saline solution, very similar to the saltwater that’s in the human body. Saline implants tend to ripple, unlike silicone implants. They also have the potential to leak, causing the implant to collapse and the saline to be absorbed by the body. Unlike silicone implants, saline implants can either be pre-filled or filled to their ideal level once they are inserted empty into the breast pocket.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Not all Fort Lauderdale Breast augmentation patients are comfortable with either implant option discussed above, but would still like larger breasts. In this situation, your surgeon will discuss if you are a candidate for a breast augmentation that transfers fat cells from another part of the body to the breasts.

It’s important to note that a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation can generally only increase breast volume up to one cup size. It is also difficult to predict what proportion of the fat transferred will survive, so repeat surgeries may be necessary.

During the surgery, after using Liposuction on areas of your body with sufficient excess fat, the cells are purified and then injected into your breasts for additional volume and improved breast shape.

Who are the best candidates for the Breast Augmentation procedure?

Good candidates for breast augmentation in Fort Lauderdale, FL should have at least some of these characteristics:

  • Bothered by the feeling that your breasts are smaller than you’d like
  • Breasts are asymmetrical
  • Dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or with aging
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • No underlying medical conditions

Breast augmentation should only be considered after a patient’s breasts have fully developed, but there is no age limitation for breast surgery later in life, as long as the patient’s health allows it.

What are the benefits of Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Savannah Moon & Dr. Stephanie Scurci and their team have seen our Breast Augmentation Fort Lauderdale patients enjoy the following benefits from their procedure:

  • Added volume to small breasts
  • Clothing fits better
  • Fuller breasts
  • Immediate and stunning results
  • Can correct asymmetry
  • Improves self-confidence and esteem
  • Provides volume after pregnancy and weight loss
  • Quick recovery

First Steps

What’s the first step?

If you’re interested in getting breast augmentation surgery in the Fort Lauderdale area, the first step is to schedule an initial consultation. When you come to Himmarshee Plastic Surgery for your appointment with your surgeon, she will evaluate your health and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you, based on your aesthetic goals.

Your surgeon will consider your frame and body proportions when determining what implant size will best meet your objectives. Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci will ensure that you are comfortable with the surgical plan and consider not only your short-term but also your long-term plans and aspirations. Although large breast implants are what many patients think of when it comes to breast augmentation, smaller breast implants can deliver excellent dramatic results as well. The two of you will also discuss the alternatives, risks, and limitations of fat transfer, saline, or silicone implants.

Finally, you will decide on the breast implant placement, your desired cup size, and implant type. We can show you “before and after” photos of actual patients, and even offer you implant sizers, which will allow you to see what you would like with a different implant size.

Your surgeon will compile all of the details to create your surgical plan. Our Patient Coordinator will help you schedule your appointment and provide you with pre-surgery instructions to help make your procedure as successful as possible.


What to expect on the day of Breast Augmentation surgery

Your breast augmentation procedure will with the administration of general anesthesia by a board-certified anesthesiologist to provide you with a comfortable experience.

After you are sedated, your surgeon will make incisions hidden in your natural creases and folds to minimize scarring. Some incision placement options include:

  • In the breast crease (inframammary incision)
  • Around the areola (periareolar incision)

Both Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci prefer the inframammary incision as it carries the lowest risk of infection and capsular contracture.

Depending on your anatomy and preference, there are a few options for where your surgeon can insert breast implants, most commonly under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue, but over the pectoral muscle.

After she is finished with the implant or fat graft, any loose skin will be removed, and your surgeon will close the incisions using layered sutures in the breast tissue to provide support and close the breast skin incisions with sutures.

The operation should take about one to two hours depending on the techniques used by your plastic surgeon.

Breast Augmentation recovery

After your Breast Augmentation, you will be kept in a recovery room for a few hours, during which time the recovery staff will closely monitor you. Since this is an outpatient procedure, once released, you will be able to go home at the end of the day, but you should arrange a ride home because you will not be able to drive just yet. Before leaving the recovery facility, you will be provided with some recovery instructions, a surgical bra for support and suture protection, and temporary prescription pain medication to make your breast augmentation recovery more tolerable.

You will be able to gradually resume an exercise routine about one week after your breast augmentation, except for chest muscle exercises, which can usually be resumed around six weeks. We encourage you to not rush your recovery by using your pectoralis muscle prematurely because it can lead to potential complications such as displacement of the implant to the sides, fluid collection, or an increased risk of capsular contracture.

Most patients can return to work and other daily duties within seven to 10 days of surgery. You should not exercise or perform any strenuous physical activities for up to four weeks. Your surgeon will see you regularly to check on your healing progress. She will also show you various ways to massage your breasts so that your implants settle appropriately and give you the natural results you desire.

Your surgeon will conceal the incision under the breast and will provide scar care instructions to follow.

Please keep in mind that breast implants are not considered to be lifetime devices and may require replacement over time. After a breast augmentation, over time your breast shape and size may change due to aging, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy and an implant exchange or lift may be desired. It may sometimes be necessary for your breast implants to be removed. Reasons may include implant rupture, movement of the implant, deflation, asymmetry, infections, or breast cancer.


Breast Augmentation Cost

How much does a Breast Augmentation cost in Fort Lauderdale, FL?

The cost of Breast Augmentation in Fort Lauderdale will vary on numerous factors, including the size, shape, and type of breast implants, as well as the surgical techniques used. The best way to learn how much your procedure will cost is to come in for your breast augmentation consultation with your surgeon. After she creates your surgical plan, our Patient Coordinator can use that information to provide you with the total cost of your treatment.

why choose us

Rediscover your true self

Why choose Himmarshee Plastic Surgery?

Himmarshee Plastic Surgery is a practice that prioritizes the individual aesthetic goals of each patient, striving to achieve natural, timeless, and refined surgical results.

Dr. Savannah Moon and Dr. Stephanie Scurci are both board-certified by the American Board of Surgery (ABS).  Following the completion of their comprehensive general surgery training, Dr. Savannah Moon and Dr. Stephanie Scurci went on to further specialize through a 3-year Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida, where they met and served as chief residents.  In the course of their surgical training in South Florida, Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci were in an ideal location to perform a vast range and quantity of aesthetic surgeries, developing expertise across a broad spectrum of procedures. Both Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci are dedicated to achieving results that are subtle, elegant, and natural, tailored to each patient’s individual aesthetic aspirations.  

Himmarshee Plastic Surgery boasts an on-site surgical suite committed to prioritizing safety and ensuring optimal patient care.  Our surgical team includes a board-certified anesthesiologist and experienced nursing staff specializing in plastic surgery, providing a familiar and expert touch throughout your surgical journey.  The on-site operating room not only provides convenience and accessibility but also ensures privacy, a vital consideration for our patients. Maintaining discretion as a top priority, our practice features a private entrance and exit to the surgical suite and perioperative areas.   

To ensure the greatest comfort and peace of mind for our patients, Himmarshee Plastic Surgery can provide an all female surgical team led by Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci. All these factors align to make our on-site surgical suite a choice that combines safety, privacy, and convenience to create a concierge experience for our patients.

Breast Augmentation FAQ’S

Schedule A Consultation

If you are interested in increasing your breast size, please contact our Fort Lauderdale office of Dr. Savannah Moon & Dr. Stephanie Scurci today! You can call us directly or use our website to fill out an appointment form and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

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