
In Fort Lauderdale



As we age, the skin and muscles in the neck area can start to sag and lose elasticity, resulting in the appearance of jowls, a double chin, or what some refer to as a “turkey neck.” A Neck Lift in Fort Lauderdale, FL can address these concerns and give you a more youthful, defined jawline and neck silhouette. At Himmarshee Plastic Surgery, we are thrilled to see how this procedure can help our patients achieve a smoother, more refreshed appearance and regain their confidence. Keep reading to learn how to rejuvenate your appearance with a Neck Lift, the popular and transformative procedure offered at Himmarshee Plastic Surgery by highly reputed plastic surgeons Dr. Savannah Moon & Dr. Stephanie Scurci.

middle-aged blonde woman in white robe looking off to the side

What is a Neck Lift?

A Neck Lift in Fort Lauderdale, FL is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline by reducing sagging skin, tightening underlying muscles, and removing excess fat. It is an effective solution for individuals who are bothered by the signs of aging in their neck area, such as loose or sagging skin and the presence of excess fat or jowls. Through the skillful techniques of Dr. Savannah Moon & Dr. Stephanie Scurci, a Neck Lift can help create a more defined and youthful neck contour, enhancing overall facial harmony and restoring a more rejuvenated appearance.

Who are the best candidates for the Neck Lift procedure?

The best candidates for a Neck Lift are individuals in the Fort Lauderdale, FL area who are concerned about the appearance of their neck and desire a more youthful and defined contour. 

Good candidates typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Excess skin or sagging in the neck area
  • Excess fat deposits
  • Overall good health
  • Non-smokers
  • Have realistic expectations

What are the benefits of a Neck Lift?

A Neck Lift procedure offers several benefits for individuals in Fort Lauderdale, FL looking to improve the appearance of their neck and jawline, such as:

  • Tightened and smoother neck skin
  • Reduced appearance of neckbands
  • Improved jawline definition
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Long-lasting results


First Steps

What’s the first step?

The first step in considering a Neck Lift in Fort Lauderdale, FL, is to schedule a consultation with either Dr. Savannah Moon or Dr. Stephanie Scurci at Himmarshee Plastic Surgery. During this initial appointment, your surgeon will evaluate your neck and discuss your concerns and goals for the procedure. She will also review your medical history and perform a comprehensive examination to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a Neck Lift.

During the consultation, it is important to openly communicate your expectations and desired outcomes with your surgeon. This will allow her to tailor the treatment plan specifically to your needs and provide you with the best possible results. Your surgeon will also take the time to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure, including the recovery process, potential risks, and expected outcomes.

Once you decide to proceed with the surgery, your surgeon and her team will guide you through the necessary pre-operative preparations and provide you with detailed instructions to ensure a smooth and successful experience.


What to expect on the day of Neck Lift surgery

On the day of your Neck Lift surgery, our team will welcome you and ensure that you are comfortable and prepared for the procedure.

Once you are under general anesthesia under the direction of a board-certified anesthesiologist.  If you are having a face and neck lift, your surgeon will extend and conceal your facelift incision back into the hairline.  If you are having a neck lift only, your surgeon will make discreet incisions, typically along the backside of the ears and extending back into the hairline to access the underlying neck tissues. She will then carefully reposition and tighten the muscles, remove any excess skin, and sculpt the neck contour to achieve the desired outcome. In some cases, Liposuction may also be performed to remove excess fat deposits.

After completing the surgical steps, your surgeon will close the incisions using sutures. Dressings and a drain may be applied to protect the incisions and support the healing process.

Neck Lift recovery

After a Neck Lift at Himmarshee Plastic Surgery, it is important to follow a proper recovery plan to promote healing and achieve optimal results. Immediately following the surgery, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the neck area. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your incisions, manage pain, and minimize swelling.

During the initial days after the procedure, it is recommended to rest and avoid strenuous activities.  If a drain was placed during the surgery, it would be removed the following day at the first post-operative appointment.

You may need to wear a compression garment to support the neck and aid in the healing process. It is crucial to keep the incision sites clean and follow the prescribed skincare routine as instructed by your surgeon and her team.

While the effects of a neck lift surgery are long-lasting, the results are not immediately visible. It can take several weeks to months for the swelling to subside. Incisions take about six months to fade and become less noticeable.


Necklift Cost

How Much Does Neck Lift Cost In Fort Lauderdale, FL

The cost of a Neck Lift procedure in Fort Lauderdale, FL, can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of the surgery and the specific patient’s needs. It is best to schedule a consultation with your surgeon to get a clear breakdown of the pricing involved. Once complete our Patient Coordinator can provide you with a clear-cut cost analysis.

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Rediscover your true self

Why choose Himmarshee Plastic Surgery?

Himmarshee Plastic Surgery is a practice that prioritizes the individual aesthetic goals of each patient, striving to achieve natural, timeless, and refined surgical results.

Dr. Savannah Moon and Dr. Stephanie Scurci are both board-certified by the American Board of Surgery (ABS).  Following the completion of their comprehensive general surgery training, Dr. Savannah Moon and Dr. Stephanie Scurci went on to further specialize through a 3-year Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida, where they met and served as chief residents.  In the course of their surgical training in South Florida, Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci were in an ideal location to perform a vast range and quantity of aesthetic surgeries, developing expertise across a broad spectrum of procedures. Both Dr. Moon and Dr. Scurci are dedicated to achieving results that are subtle, elegant, and natural, tailored to each patient’s individual aesthetic aspirations.

Himmarshee Plastic Surgery boasts an on-site surgical suite committed to prioritizing safety and ensuring optimal patient care.  Our surgical team includes a board-certified anesthesiologist and experienced nursing staff specializing in plastic surgery, providing a familiar and expert touch throughout your surgical journey.  The on-site operating room not only provides convenience and accessibility but also guarantees privacy, a crucial element for our patients.  All these factors align to make our on-site surgical suite a choice that combines safety, privacy, and convenience to create a concierge experience for our patients.

Necklift FAQ’S

Schedule A Consultation

If you’re seeking a life-changing solution for your neck concerns, it’s time to take the first step and schedule your initial consultation. Contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, FL or conveniently request an appointment through our website. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you on your journey toward a rejuvenated neck and renewed confidence.

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